Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Most people begin thinking about getting fit or "In Shape", soon as the last piece of pumpkin pie or chocolate cake has been digested on January 1 of each year.  I am no different.  I ate in excess and enjoying each calorie loaded bite and sip.  The difference this year is that I made plans earlier in the year to run my first marathon the latter part of January 2014.  I weighed 265 pounds in August 2014 when I began my first workout routine. According to my wife I am 5'8 inches tall but I stick with my football height of 5'10". I joined a running club at a cost of $120.00. for the entire season. I began  in the middle of the Texas Heat and as a club, we run together on Saturday Mornings.  The first day began at 8:00 a.m. and was a 2 mile rum.  I stopped at least 4 times gasping for air and sucking for wind as if I was drowning. I kept thinking, "What in the H#L#."  34 minutes later, after being passed by people I know that were in their 90's. I finished my run.  Now don't get me wrong, I can lift a building and lift weights at the gym consistently.  Running is another beast. After we finished, they had iced towels ready in two huge tubs.  I was only to get one but I needed 3 to cool off and stop smelling like the bacon I ate earlier for breakfast.  The bad part about it is that they wanted to do this thing called stretching.  "REALLY"!  Get on the cement and put my feet and legs where?   You must be out of your Dang Mind!  I watched as I caught my breath and the instructor told us that that we could lean on the wall if we couldn't get down.  After that wretched stretch routine was over, they told us that next week was 3 miles and we would get our workout schedule.  I wanted to quit then and there.  They were increasing the mileage and wanted me to run in the middle of the week as practice.  I mumble under my breath about my non-refundable money and said, I refuse to lose money.  I will be back next week with a goal in mind.  Only let the 80 somethings beat you.  Next time, "HOW MUCH FOR RUNNING SHOES?!!!!